Mar 31, 2009

A Father's Quandary - Quality of Life - Did I Make the Right Calls?

I was never trained in high school or college to be a dad. I have no clue what I am doing. And, it shows. I don't think i was a good dad when i had healthy kids. Now, and for the last three years, I have been trying to be the dad of a critically ill child.

What do you do when you have a child facing a life threatening illness? I don't know the answer! I don't even know the question! My son fights for life everyday. Some day it's a skirmish. Some days it's an all out war. I rips my heart out to see him and hear him beg God to let him die. In his eyes, he has lost it all. He essentially died December 21 2005. The doctors, by God's grace and mercy, were able to revive him. Now, he spends his days being watched and taken care of by me. He remembers life before the tumor - the dreams, the capabilities, the freedom. Things have change. He has lost his vision. He takes 11 medications a day to stay alive an function. His memory is damaged. And the list goes on and on. I know God has a plan for Wiley. There IS SOMEONE that only he can reach out to. But, I still hurt for him.

Am I selfish for saving him for a life of suffering? Have I made the wrong call on his treatments? Are my selfish desires in God's will? And the questions continue in the mind of a father searching for the answers that are in the best interest of a son - no matter how painful the may be.


ellysuryani said...

When you make some question about it, you are a good dad.

Betsy Barnette Cotton said...

Hey, Stephen. Even without a critically ill child, we, as parents often wonder if our decisions are the right ones. But, by God's grace and guidance, we can make the choices we know are right in His eyes. You are right that Wiley is still here to touch someone's life. I have not personally met Wiley, but have seen him at church. My Small Group talks about him in our Prayer Time from time to time. They talk about how strong and sweet he is and about his struggles. So, you see, Wiley IS touching people already. He is able to be a witness of strength beyond what people without critical illnesses can ever comprehend. Be strong, Stephen. God has a plan!