Jan 29, 2009

What Does a Nerd do on a Night Off?

So what does a nerd do when he takes a night off? He does nerd stuff.

I took a couple of nights off this week. I ordered a Ibanez Tube Screamer Replica kit back before Christmas and right as all the long work hours kicked in. I looked at it several times but couldn't take time to build it. Well, over the last couple of nights, I built it and modified it. It's the basic 808 with the Keeley mods. I added a bass boost switch and changed it over to diode clipping. I also built an A/B guitar switch. Now i can keep two guitars plugged up and step on a switch to change between them. Sound nerdy? Guitar nerdy at least.

Home Built - Ibanez Tube Screamer T808 w/ some Modifications

Home Built - A/B

I have more designs in works. I am designing a true bypass pedal board. I need a good way to carry the stuff to gigs. I also am designing a "mega overdrive". Right now, it will have an Orange Crush, 2 Tube Screamers, and a Red Llama all in one box. It will also have a guitar selector - A/B/C/D. I need to build a tremolo too. And a . . . well it's nit a short list.

I have totally revamped my rig over our Christmas break. I got a Boss GT-10 amp simulator and multi effect for Christmas. It replaced a lot of my stomp boxes. Gone are the Chorus, Auto Wah, Wah, Acoustic Simulator, and delays/reverb/phase shift/flanger of the ME-10. I have 4 weeks to get the new rig "gig" ready.

and some of the old stuff . . .

Jan 26, 2009

I'm Back - (Back to a Reasonable Work Schedule)

We have rolled out our new software for this years PGA products show in Orlando. I am now back to a reasonable work schedule. It's 60 h0ur weeks now. Back with the family, back in the studio, band back to gigs, and maybe a few minutes of goofing off.

I love the intensity of the PGA Show deadlines. It's hard work. 30 hour work days drain you. (Yes - you can work 30 hours non-stop without dieing.) You miss a lot. But, it after 25 years of this kind of work you get use to. And I guess, I expect it. I don't know what people do that don't work this way. What do you do with a 9-5 job?

I guess golf and music.